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Our Festival provides:

- A very successful awards program. We offer awards for solos, duets, groups, choreography as well as overall dancer.

- Professional Adjudication.

- A fabulous facility with an amazing theater. Stage is 30 X 40 feet with large backstage wings.

- A well-organized festival that offers a great experience for all dancers.

- Video Adjudication ONLY.  There will be no paper adjudication 

- Live action Photography and videos by Fragment Media


Tap, jazz (including street Jazz), lyrical, classical ballet, pointe, demi-character ballet, character ballet, musical theater (Lip sync), hip hop, modern, contemporary, Stage ( >20 dancers), song and dance (live voice, no vocalized music), student choreography, acro, open (anything not falling into other categories).

Important: Jazz or street jazz can only have a maximum of 3 acro movements. More than 3 will disqualify the number from awards. Award winning dance number from previous year cannot compete again in 2024.

Age groups:

Age determined as of Dec 31, 2023

6 and under; 7-8; 9 -10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-16; 17-18; 19 and over.

Solos will be entered in individual age group if entries allow. Groups enter by average age of group. Duets enter by oldest age.

(Novice designation means no student has had competition experience before)
(The festival committee reserves the right to combine classes or age groups according to entry numbers.).

Group designations and Timing:

Solos – 2 1⁄2 minutes
Duets – 2 1⁄2 minutes
Trios –  2 1⁄2 minutes

Musical Theater (lip sync) – 4 minutes
Song and dance (singing, no vocals in music) - 4 minutes

Small groups (4-8 dancers) - 4 minutes
Large groups (9-19 dancers) - 4 minutes
Open/Stage   (>20 dancers) - 5 minutes

Marks will be allocated as follows:

Gold with distinction 90 & over
 Gold 85 - 89
Silver 80 – 84

Bronze 79 & under

Adjudication marks will be posted within 1 hour following performances.

Awards will be posted along with the marks but will be placed in your studio box with all your adjudication papers. There is a form included in the package if your studio would like to sponsor an award.

Stage is 30 X 40 feet with large backstage wings. Performers must be back stage 15 minutes pre-performance.

Important change to music submission, All music must be submitted digitally 3 weeks prior to Festival. We will send out more information regarding titling and method of storage.

The visiting studios will have an area to change. There will also be ample room to rehearse. Food and drink will NOTbe allowed in change area, only water is allowed for dancers. Tap shoes only to be worn on stage. No glitter will be allowed in the church or on stage. The use of glitter will result in disqualification.

No picture taking or videotaping of performances will be allowed. No verbal abuse will be tolerated.

Please note this is an invitational festival. If your club would like to be added to our list please email:


Dance Aberdeen Festival Sponsors

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